Key Assets
Global Online Auction Featuring State of the Art Lab Equipment No Longer Required By Theravance Due To Lab Relocation!
Spectacular Offering!
Mass Specs:
- Thermo Q Exactive LC/MS
- Thermo LTQ XL LC/MS
- Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL
- MDS Sciex API 4000
- (2) Agilent 6130 Quadrupole LC/MS
- (2) Shimadzu Nexera/Prominence LC/MS
- Waters SQ Detector2
HPLC Systems:
- (16) Agilent 1200/1260/1290 HPLC
- (9) Agilent 1100 HPLC
- (2) Waters Acquity UPLC
- Shimadzu Prominence HPLC System
- Waters 2695 HPLC
- (2) Waters MSD/HPLC Systems
Liquid Handlers/Automated Workstations:
- Agilent Bravo 16050-101
- Agilent Bravo G5563A
- Beckman Biomek FX
- (2) Hamilton Lab STARlet
- (2) Hamilto MicroLab Star
- (2) Sirius Automation MultiTasker2
- (2) Sirius Auto / Bohdan Automation Workstations
Pilot Plant:
- Globe Pharma MP-II /10B Mini Table-top Rotary Tablet Press
- Globe Pharma MNB-1 Mini Blend V-Blender
- Freund-Vector TFC-LABO Micro Roll Compactor
- GlobePharma MTCM-1 Tablet Compressor
- Lepel CS Plus Jr Cap Sealer
- Quadro Comil Mill
- Avestin EmulsiFlex-C3 Homogenizer
- KEY KG5 High Shear Granulator / Mixer
- Jetpharma MC One Micronizer Jet Mill
- Ktron Soder KCV-MT12 Micro Ingredient Feeder
State of the Art Lab Equipment Including:
- Bruker Ultra Shield 600 NMR
- PerkinElmer EnVision 2104
- ForteBio Octet Red 96
- Protein Simple WES
- Miltenyi Biotec AutoMACS Pro
- Agilent Dissolution Sampling System
- Thermo Nicolet Almega XR
- PerkinElmer 2450 MicroBeta2
- (2) Waters / Thar SFC Systems