David Barkoff
Key Assets
Unprecedented Offering!
Online Auction Featuring State of the Art Analytical Lab & Testing Equipment!
All Equipment Recently Purchased–Some Never Used In Original Packaging!
- $30M (New Cost) of Consumables Purchased Between 2020-2022
- Lab-Pro, Mobile Air-conditioned Trailer Lab
- (25) Hamilton Microlab STARlet Liquid Handlers
- (17) MGI MGISP-960RS Sample Prep Sys. 96 Channel.
- (4) Brooks Xpeel Automated Plate Seal Removers
- (10) Cole Palmer PCRmax Alpha 4 Thermal Cyclers
- (15) Eppendorf 5382000023 Thermomixer C
- IntelliXcap Automated Screw Cap Decapper/Recapper 96-format
- (50) Labconco Logic+ Biological Safety Cabinets
- (6) Airclean Systems UVLB42 42″ UV Light Box.
- (30+) So-Low Deep Freezers
- (6) ABS ABT-MFS-20 -15°C to -25°C Freezers
- (12) Hamilton 68146-01 STARlet UV Light Kit
- Agilent Femto Pulse
- (5) BioRad Tetrad 2 Thermal Cycler w/ 4 Blocks
- (3) Integra Viafill Systems
- (2) Avidity GenoCL Water Purification System
- (30+) SensoScientific RTD Temperature Sensors
- (4) Suzou D2000 Decap Machine-E-V2
- Salvis Lab Thermocenter Oven TC240
- (4) cab SQUIX Barcode Label Printers
- Keyence Parts & Accessories
- Metro Racks, Lab Tables, Flammable Storage Cabinets, Totes & More!