Nick Dove
Key Assets
Online Auction Featuring Quality Biotech and Pharmaceutical Lab Equipment From Multiple Global Sellers!
- Thermo Q Exactive Mass Spc W/ 1290 HPLC
- Agilent 6495 Triple Quad LC/MS with Rapid Fire
- GE AKTA Pure
- Agilent 1290 Infinity Series HPLC
- Agilent NovoCyte Advanteon Flow Cytometer
- Bio-RAD NGC Quest 10
- Shimadzu LC-2050C LC System
- (2) Biotek Synergy Neo2 Microplate Reader
- HT Infors Multitron AJ25 Incubator
- Bio-RAD CFX OPUS 384
- Agilent Synergy HTX Multi-Mode Microplate Reader
- Nikon Eclipse E300 Microscope
- Gator Probe Life BLI System
- NanoDrop One Spectrophotometer
- & More!