Key Assets
Sale #1: Massive Offering of Quality Lab & R&D Equipment From San Diego Therapeutics Company!
- AKTA Avant Chromatography System
- SERPA FG1 Top Load Cartoner Forming Machine
- Applikon Pilot & Production System
- GE AKTA Pilot Chromatography System
- Labconco 794001010 Lyophilizer
- Virtis Freezemobile 35EL Lyophilizer
- BD FACSAria III Flow Cytometer
- Heidolph Rotary Evaporator
- Rad Source RS 3400 Blood Irradiator
- Zeiss Axiovert 200M Microscope
- Carl Zeiss LSM 5 Laser Microscope
- Repligen KrosFlo KR2i TFF System
- Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 7 Flex PCR System
- BioTek Cytation 5 Imaging Plate Reader
- Molecular Devices iD5 Microplate Reader
- Unchained Labs UNcle Screening Platform
- BD Accuri C6 Plus Flow Cytometer
- BD FACSCelesta Flow Cytometer
- Integra VIAFLO96 Electronic Pipette
- Sullair SRL-7.5 Air Compressor
- Biogenic V-11500AB LN2 Freezer
- Beckman Coulter AU480 Chemistry Analyzer
- Thermal Cyclers
- Centrifuges
- Thermo Scientific KingFisher Flex Systems
- PHCBi CO2 Incubators
- Ultra Cold Freezers
- Label Printers
- Water Baths
- Balances & Scales
- Pumps
- Pipettes
- Shakers
- And Much More!