Key Assets
Online Auction Featuring Late Model Biotech and Pharmaceutical Lab Assets Surplus to Hookipa Pharma!
- Xcellerex XDR Bioractor 200L/50L
- (2) 2019 Akta Ready Chromatography Systems
- Hamilton Microlab Star Liquid Handler
- Applied Biosystems Quantstudio 5
- Systec DX-45 Laboratory Autoclave
- Nova Biomedical Bioprofile pHOx Analyzer
- Beckman Coulter Avanti J-26 XP Centrifuge
- Caliper/Perkin Elmer Lab Chip GX Nucleic Acid Analyzer
- Eppendorf BioFlo 120 Bioreactor
- BioWeld TC STerile Welding Device
- & More!