David Barkoff
+1. 650. 649. 0147
Please contact Auctioneer for more details or inspection times.
All dates and times are subject to change.
Place Best and Final Offer on the Sealed Bid Form and email to
All bids are due on or before April 29th. 2013
Key Assets
Accepting Bulk Offerings for each of the following grouping of existing Lots
*LOT 1: Hanford, Everything outside in the yard (Lots 1000 thru 1038)
*LOT 2: Hanford, PC Boards (1042)
*LOT 3: Hanford, contents of Shelving and Mezzanine, Inventory (1039 thru 1041)
*LOT 4: Armona – (1100 thru 1185)
*LOT 5: Minter Field – One Lot, 1500
*LOT 6: Antioch, Everything outside (Lots 1300 thru 1325)
*LOT 8: Antioch, Everything inside not Inventory (Lot #’s 1200 thru 1256 and 1285 thru 1287)
*LOT 9: Antioch, All inventory – (Lots 1257 thru 1284)