Key Assets
Global Online Auction of Automotive Cable Manufacturing Machinery
Former Assets of J. Horts Automotive – Stainless Steel & Zinc Cable Manufacturing Facility.
Manufacturers of zinc-plates and stainless micro cables, transmissions, remote controls
cable sheaths and accessories for the automotive industry.
100 Lots featuring:
- Barmag DV2 Stranding machines / Máquinas de Trenzado de Cable
- Sket and Kieselstein WGTU100/25 Wire Drawing machines / Trefiladoras
- Ribbon flattening and Rolling Wire machines / Laminadoras, Máquinas de Muelle y Bobinado
- Fisher and Frech Diecasting machines / Inyectoras de Zamak
- Kuhne and Bandera Extrusion Lines / Líneas de Extrusión
- Support equipment such as compressors, chillers, etc
Equipos auxiliares como compresores, enfriadoras, etc
… and much more! Y mucho más!