Nick Dove
Key Assets
Global Online Auction: Surplus Equipment To Continuing Operations To Quest Diagnostics–A Global Leader In Clinical Lab Services. Cambridge, MA.
- (2006) Caterpillar Genset, 700kW with 209 hours and sound enclosure
- Roche Cobas Integra 800 Chemistry Analyzer
- Thermo Legend T+ Centrifuge with rotor and 4 buckets
- Beckman Coulter LH 750 Blood Hematology Analyzer
- Thermo Fisher Heratherm
- Incubators Thermo Fisher Jouan C31
- Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Vitros ECIQ System
- Olympus AU5400 Automated Chemistry Immune Systems
- Pharmacia Diagnostics AB Unicap 1000v.2
- Siemens BNII Behring Nephelometer II
- Bio-Tek ELx50 Microplate Auto Strip Washer
- Bio-Tek ELx800 Microplate Auto Strip Washer
- Olympus AU400 Chemistry Immuno Analyzer with PC and all manuals
- Jouan Model C312 Centrifuge
- Perkin Elmer Aanalyst 600 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers with PC’s and manuals
- (2007) Baker Company ChemGARD Model FH6 (with flam cab base units)
- Jouan Model C422 Centrifuge
- Digene rapid culture system with Digene DML 3000 Desktop Luminometer Microplate Illuminator
- Digene hybrid capture system
- Alpha Technics Model 3000i (almost new)
- Thermo Fisher Model U86-21A44 Isotemp Basic
- Jordon Double Glass Door Refrigerator
- Revco Legaci Ultima II Model ULT2186-9-D34 with Chart Recorder
- Hettich Mikro 22 R Centrifuges
- Thermo Fisher Reach in CO2 Model 3950 Incubator
- Trek Diagnostics Versa Trek Series 240
- Microm Model 315, 325, 355 Microtomes
- Leica RM 2155
- Ventana Nexus special stainer
- Roche MagNA Pure LC JE379
- PGM Personal Genome Machine Ion Torrent
- Life Technologies Ion Torrent Ion One Touch 2
- Beckman Coulter Microfuge 18 Centrifuge
- VWR CO2 Incubator
- MJ Research PTC 100 Peltier Thermal Cycler
- Nissan 50 Forklift