Nick Dove
Key Assets
Global Online Auction Of Quality Biotech and Pharmaceutical Lab Equipment Excess To Needs Of Multiple Global Sellers!
- GE 28924630 Akta Avant MB 570
- ProteinSimple Maurice
- Thermo Scientific ND-ONE-W Nano Drop One
- (2) Beckman Coulter J-15R IVD Avanti Centrifuges
- Virtis FM35E2-85 Lyos Freezemobile
- Millipore Guava Easy Cyte 8HT
- (3) Abbott m2000sp Automated Liquid Handler Workstation
- Thermo Electron LTQ XL Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
- (2) Beckman Coulter ProteomeLab PA 800
- illumina HiScan High-quality Array Scanning System
- illumina HiSeq 2000
- GE Healthcare Typhoon Mode Imager
- & More!