Key Assets
Sale #1 In A Series of Sales Featuring State of the Art Laboratory, Processing & Packaging Equipment From 3 Generics Pharmaceutical Sites in Huntsville, AL.
(2) Serialized Packaging Lines:
- Cremer CF 622 Serialized Packaging Line (Line 7)
- Cremer CF 622 Serialized Packaging Line (Line 3)
(5) Fluid Bed Dryers Including:
- (2) Glatt WSF 500 TC Fluid Bed Dryers
- (3) Freund Vector FLX-M-500 Fluid Bed Dryers
12 Blenders Including:
- Gemco 150 cu ft
- Gemco 60 cu ft
- Kolime Sanderson 30 cu ft
- (3) Keith Machinery 150 ct ft
- (2) Keith Machinery 75 cu ft
- Keith Machinery 30 cu ft
- Keith Machinery 20 cu ft
- Littleford FKM-600-D
- Glatt KCM 1600 Container Blender
13 Tablet Presses Including:
- (12) Kikusui NewGemini 55 Station
- Jenn Chiang JC-RT-16H
- (20+) Tablet Dedusters & Metal Checkers
- (10+) Hardness Testers
- (6) Thomas Engineering 60VXL Coating Systems
- Thomas Engineering 48 SV Tablet Coating System
- O’Hara Labcoat M Labcoat System
- O’Hara Labcoat II X Labcoat System
- (4) Fitzpatrick DKAS012 Fitzmill
- Fitzpatrick L1A Small Capacity FitzMill
- Quadro Comil 198
- Quadro Comil 197
- Quadro Comil 196
- Quado Comil 194
Multiple Laboratories Including:
- HPLC’s & UPLC’s
- Mass Specs
- Gas Chromatographs
- Centrifuges
- Freezers & Incubators