If it had been a ship, I would have broken a bottle of champagne across its bow and sent it out to sea. But it was a website, so I told our engineer to hit the button. And just like that, you are officially in business.
We’ve actually been in business now for about six weeks, but until your website goes live, you are working behind the curtain, like the Professor in the Wizard of Oz. I will say that going through the exercise this time was quite different than doing it ten years ago. Back then, you needed a team of technical specialists, writing html and massive codes. Scanning was laborious, and it was a milestone to complete a single page. Now you zip along at a much faster pace, although never fast enough in your own mind.
I would like to thank Julian Sutter and his team for putting up with John Grisham Dove and J.D. Salinger Dove. Julian proved equal to the task, half coach and half brilliant technician. He was a star in both areas, and even managed to teach me two new words: effluvium and salubrious.
Each had their place in the site’s build, and you need to figure out where that was.
So, now it’s off to the fun part: going out and meeting clients and signing up sales to assist them. If you know of a company that could use honest, hard working auctioneers, each with a quarter century of experience, we’re your guys. Give us a call, we’d love to work with you. Otherwise, strap on your chin strap, and we’ll see you on the field of play…