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Hi Everyone.

I thought it might be healthy for me to confess to a blunder I just made.  They say confession is good for the soul, but bad for the reputation.   At the risk of my reputation here goes my blunder.

After three decades chasing deals I still live for the win and want to make sure I am doing everything possible to support our team. The flip side of that is I haven’t ever been able to develop a philosophical mindset where I patiently trust the right decision will come like I know I should.  So I accidentally hit reply to all and sent an internal email at the nonstop speed of the internet direct to our potential client.  It wasn’t real bad or inappropriate, but still. I was telling our team why we were the obvious choice.  However that isn’t necessarily fair to any client with ample choices  . Yikes,  clients deserve the right and the time to reflect and make their decision without being pushed to hurry because I can’t wait.  So with respect,  I have resolved to deliver our value proposition and not ask our team to check in or inundate them with more info and progress updates.

If you let HGP give you our best shot we will sit back and give you ample time to check references and comparison shop hassle and pressure free. And I will keep my fat fingers far away from reply to all button. But Lesson learned.  We’re ready. Not on our timeline but always customer first to meet yours.
