David Barkoff
650. 759. 2242
Key Assets
Unprecedented Offering On Behalf Of Sunpower, A Leading Designer And Manufacturer Of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Roof Tiles And Solar Panels. Sale Featuring Over 1,300 Fronius, SMA, ABB Inverters Accessories, Components, Wiring, Parts And Much Much More!
Fronius Ig Plus Advanced Inverter Brochure
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BOS Materials
Fronius_SunPower_Auction_Warranty Transfer_07252016_
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 3.0-1 UNI. Qty: 60
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 3.8-1 UNI. Qty: 60
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 5.0-1 UNI. Qty: 121
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 6.0-1 UNI. Qty: 141
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 7.5-1 UNI. Qty: 118
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 10.0-1 UNI. Qty: 604
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 11.4-1 UNI. Qty: 219
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 11.4-3 UNI. Qty: 6
Fronius Inverter IG Plus ADV 12.0-3 UNI. Qty: 6
Inverter Assembly kits. Qty: 1,145
SMA Communication Card Inverter Accessory. Qty: 2
SPR-3000p-TL-1 Inverter. Qty: 25
SPR-3600p-TL-1 Inverter. Qty: 45
SPR-6000p-TL-1 Inverter. Qty: 1
SPRx Wired Monitor. Qty: 12
70A .75 inch Transformer. Qty: 188